
Welcome to the thoughts of an average woman, making strides to do extraordinary things. Add one part of deliberate musings. A dash of uncanny spontaneity. Mix liberally and enjoy the results!.

The Good Girl / Bad Boy Conundrum

Thursday, 7 July 2011

The truth that so many self proclaimed good girls do not want to admit, is that they are indeed attracted to men with a bad reputation. They sit around and make lists of all the things they want in their new guy, yet spend their time rejecting Mr. Looks Good on Paper for the very man she warns her girlfriends about. What is the appeal in dating a man who you know will hurt you if you start taking this relationship too seriously? Why bother go through the motions of the good girl- bad boy relationship knowing very well where this will all end up- heartbreak. Why date a man who has a fear of commitment, is narcissistic and terribly unpredictable? 

Though from an outsider's perspective, it would seem that the good girl who is so obviously attracted to Mr. Right Now rather than Mr. Right may seem confused, she really isn't. For this is the typical pattern of many self respecting women at some point in her life.The truth is, there are many reasons she may choose to go with Mr. Right Now. Three of these include:

The Thrill
Most good girls make it their duty to structure every part of their life. They spend their whole life following the rules and planning every aspect of their lives. They date all the right guys and do all the right things. After a while, this routine becomes a complete bore. She will easily fall for the guy who will attempt to shake things up in her life and provide her with a sense of adventure that her life lacked. You may think, well why not go to a theme park or some other daredevil like activity? Why not find a new hobby? Well...it doesn't provide the same level of prolonged satisfaction that will come from a man who will make every attempt to let her come out of her comfort zone. 

Women are also positive that these men will be amazing lovers. Men who will teach her things she only witnessed in her favorite episode of Sex and the City. Like Mr. Big, she expects him to color outside the lines when it is time for "arts and crafts". He is also forces her to consider things she always wanted to try but was afraid to ever admit out loud. Though there may be instances that she is proven wrong, she creates the illusion of it being true. He will definitely become more about fun than stability (which is sometimes exactly what the doctor ordered for a good girl). 

Maternal Instinct/ Project Makeover
Within every woman (whether self- proclaimed feminist or not) lies an uncanny need to be maternal and loving towards others. Though some won't openly admit to it, every woman often gets urges to take care of another person she welcomes into her life. The bad boy paints the picture of an unruly child like figure that some women hope to change into the perfect man for them. So like a bad mother, she will make excuses for poor behaviour; laugh when he embarrasses her in public; conveniently forget the snide comments etc. Instead, she paints the picture of a blissfully romantic relationship that all her girlfriends would want but perhaps would not understand because "you don't know him like I do". It all usually ends in "I know he loves me enough to change and settle down with me".

More often than not, hidden behind that giant exterior of a confident man with little regard for authority lies an insecure man who is unsure of what he wants in the long run.  He lives in the moment and has an immense fear of commitment. So more often than not he will run when she needs him the most. It really shouldn't come as a big surprise that a strong, independent woman would be interested in making her bad boy into a new project of change. Given that women do not like the idea of being rejected or proven wrong, she may treat him like all problematic aspects of her life that she wants to change for her own liking. She will continuously work hard hoping that she can change him. 

Unfortunately, there is no man in the world that can be forced to change because a woman wants him to.  The sooner women realize that they cannot control or change any man, the better it will be for her in the long run. By treating a man like a project or by hopping along for the thrill may not be in her best interest. In fact, though the flame may seem bright, is it really worth getting burnt? 

So does this mean there is no hope for the good guys? 

The painting the bad boy creates in his masterful approach is perhaps the most intriguing aspect that reels the good girl in. It is within that first 15 minutes of interaction that he gets her to think about whether or not she could be interested in the him or not. Now this is interest is clearly not along the lines of marriage or even a relationship at that point of the conversation. It is however, the period in which she will decide if he is worth continuing a conversation with.

The Bad Boy technique is most effective in grabbing a woman's attention. For not only is he witty, but he is confident, funny, sexy and forward. He does not waste much time telling an attractive girl all the compliments she has already heard but instead moves in for the kill effortlessly. She may not think she likes this at first but if he does not come across as being rude, he is guaranteed to have her attention. This however, does not mean that there is no hope for the Mr. Right. For if it is clear that the approach within those crucial initial 15 minutes is what is most important. Then the good guy most ensure that his fear of talking to her causes him to seem boring, annoying or overbearing. Despite the fact that assholes seem to be the ones with the "good girls" it is far from truth. In fact, after a while ALL women with bad boys yearn to escape from their bad relationships. 

If a good guy can successfully use "bad-boy" like techniques without being mean he will be appealing to any good girl. She will also continue to expect him to be unpredictable and take control. Being a good guy does not have to equate to being fragile or boring.

When fun just isn't enough
A part of the thrill for a good girl dating a bad guy is knowing when to give him up. The less emotionally attached good girl knows that every roller coaster ride must come to an end. She knows that deep down, she requires far more than he can offer her. She takes time out to be single again and eventually goes on to finding a good guy- Mr. Right. The thrill of being with someone who isn't right for her eventually prepares her for the good guy and actually causes her to appreciate him more. 

Maternal Instinct  Search for a Mamma's Boys

Though a man who is close too close to his mother may come across as unappealing to some. It is a sure way for some women to tell how loving, attentive and thoughtful a man will be.  According to a study from Arizona State University, "mama's boys have better communication skills and higher levels of empathy than guys who have cut the apron strings. As a result, men who are close to their moms are much more likely to be in healthy, monogamous relationships than men who lack that connection". He is also less likely to have a the bad reputation that the bad boy is known to have as he tries to do whatever it takes to make his family proud. 

It Changed my Life....shhhh it's a Secret

Saturday, 16 April 2011

It is simple really. We are in control of our own destiny. We have the power to control everything in our lives by not only thinking about everything we want to achieve but erasing all doubts about it not happening. Positive and specific thoughts about what we want in life will be actualized by the power of the universe. The SECRET lies within the Law of Attraction!

Supergirl and then some- My Adventures while asleep!

Friday, 15 April 2011

So every now and then when I sleep I have out of body experiences while I sleep. Well sort of...In my dream I would float above my body, escape to the skies and fly. With inhibitions released I would float above my bed and look down at my physical body still asleep in my bed. Then upon realising what was happening I’d thrust back into my body. It is perhaps the most realistic of all my dreams as I would literally feel my bed shake upon ‘landing’. My whole life I just figured this dream of mine was normal, until I started to share it. “No? That never ever happened to you?”
It is perhaps the most peaceful of my dreams. Floating above the clouds- no care in the world! Just me at one with the universe. However, recently I started doing some investigation on this sort of dream. If none of my friends had it, did anyone else in the world have such dreams? How many persons had out of body experiences that were not experienced because of the thrust of death’s gentle pull? Was I simply weirder than I had already imagined myself to be, in comparison to all the other persons I associated with on a frequent basis?

 Time to Google!
            Hmm in order to Google this I would probably need to condense this... what in the world do I search for? Out of body experiences while sleeping? Floating in my dreams while sleeping? Dreaming about flying? Sleep paralysis?

So my first thought was an OBE. I found that "Out of body" experiences (OBEs) are personal experiences during which people feel as if they perceive the physical world from a location outside of their physical bodies. At least 5 and perhaps as many as 35 of every 100 people have had an OBE at least once in their lives” (Blackmore, 1982) However, it is related to near death experiences. This was certainly not what was happening to me.

What seemed more likely was something called lucid dreaming. What is that you may ask?
“Although we are not usually explicitly aware of the fact that we are dreaming while we are dreaming, at times a remarkable exception occurs, and we become conscious enough to realize that we are dreaming. "Lucid" dreamers (the term derives from van Eeden, 1913) report being able to freely remember the circumstances of waking life, to think clearly, and to act deliberately upon reflection, all while experiencing a dream world that seems vividly real (Green, 1968; LaBerge, 1985; Gackenbach & LaBerge, 1988). This is all in contrast to the usual past characterization of dreams as typically lacking any reflective awareness or true volition (Rechtschaffen, 1978).  Lucid dreaming is normally a rare experience. Though most people report having had a lucid dream at least once in their lives, only about 20% of the population reports having lucid dreams once a month or more (Snyder & Gackenbach, 1988).
“Celia Green (1968) reported that all her lucid dreamers refer to flying dreams, several of them describing that the flying prompted lucidity.”

Okay though it is rare it is totally normal....right?
            I was completely okay with having my liberating dreams of flight every now and then. I mean who wouldn’t want to know what it was like to be supergirl or superman, even for a minute or two? I would not give up the memories of those dreams for a million dollars. But then I came upon the 2011 movie Insidious while I was searching. So of course I had to watch it.

Surprise, Surprise the entire movie was about a child and his father who had the ability to experience the same dreams that I had. Only, their dreams came with a lot of negative things. I was completely in shock when I realised this child floated away in his regular flight dreams from his body and didn’t come back. OMG!  Clearly fictional but such a strange movie and it indeed left me spooked. -_-

Though the movie was scary and my dreams are a tad weird (YES I admit it lol). Dream floating or dream flying is indeed a cool feeling! They say your dreams expose inner most desires and that they contain messages about what is on your subconscious. Some may even go to the extreme and claim that your dreams can predict the future and reveal things about your present that you were not even aware of.

I am not sure if I believe any of that. But what I do know is that I look forward to the rare dream of flight that allows me to feel relaxed and care free; a luxury that my reality has currently deprived me of because of my many responsibilities and problems.  

My search led me to these sights..You may read more for further information.

The Road to Happiness

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The answers to all your problems perhaps lie within the depths of your hearts. Hidden within, lies the solutions to everything just waiting for you to grab hold of it. I think sometimes we look every where for happiness and then wonder why temporary highs never seem to give us the depths of satisfaction we desire.

As humans, no matter how strong we appear, when hurt we seek a quick solution to soothe. Its the age old theory really, of human nature. As kids we fall and immediately no matter how little the bruise we cried, a signal to the world that we are hurt. We would then run to mommy or daddy to make the boo boo go away. And though as adults we don't run to mommy or daddy, we seek self soothers in many different outlets. We drink, we smoke, we have meaningless relationships, we party every night etc. We pretty much declare our pain to the world, indirectly and in more subtle ways, then await the boo boo soother.

Ever wonder why when it is all over, in moments of solitude you feel miserable or even lonely perhaps? If you can't be happy alone you probably are not experiencing true happiness. No matter how much happiness we find in temporary highs, it will never amount to anything; not unless we tackle the battles we face deep within. Some minor, some not so minor BUT we all have our problems.

Happiness? A seemingly easy concept to grasp. Happiness, something we fight to have and fight to hold unto forever. For the brief moments I struggle to find solutions or a way out of my problems, I challenge myself. What are the 5 things that you are grateful for today? What are 5 things that made you smile today?

It then leads me back to the path to fulfill my purpose...and dare I say it? Be truly 100% HAPPY! 

Gay, Straight...in love?

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Once taboo the battle of defining sexuality becomes more prominent daily as everyone tries to erase the line of doubt and declare what their "deal" is. No longer do we raise a brow when we hear  'so and so' is gay, bisexual or even bicurious. We live in a world of ever pronounced sexual liberation. However, how far is too far? Do you think Jamaica will ever evolve enough to truly accept persons for who they are or who they choose to be during their path of self discovery?

Though my "deal" is straight, the open nature of others who have jumped ship from the 'straight cruise line' still confuses me. If after 10 years or so of being interested in only heterosexual relationships can one then decide that one too many broken hearts is grounds enough to change your preference? Or should you then prescribe to "label-less love" as an explanation for this? A true love that has no gender, race etc.

I have always been a firm believer in not bashing the things I have no true understanding of. So this era of open sexual liberation is no different really. I may not openly embrace it but bash it I shall not. Life is way too short for us to not live it in a way that makes us happy and feel truly satisfied with ourselves at the end of the day.

"I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all." - Leo C. Rosten

Battle Of the Timeline

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Like the real world in the twitter realm there is an obvious struggle by tweeters to carefully define the type of twitter personality they want to become. Though it sounds rather petty and perhaps oversimplified, given a month or so each person settles in a comfortable tweet zone. As a "noob" to twitterville in order to attain a perfectly balanced timeline I suppose you would want to follow different twitter personalities in order to get a taste of what twitter is really about. If you are a seasoned twitter user then you are perhaps already aware of the kinds of users your want to follow.

In the not so imaginary land of Twitter you may come across the following:

  1. The Vixen- Her twitter picture/ avatar will be of her "sexiest" body parts or may include a picture of her face giving the most seductive look she could come with after many a take in her mirror pictures. She may also have a name like @MisBigBooty_69 and a twitter bio that is so provocative you feel almost guilty reading it. The vixen's tweets hardly ever contain anything edifying but is sure to give you your "money's worth" on Titty Tuesday, Thong Thursday or Twitter After Dark.   
  2. The Jest- Their aim is simple. "I must make you laugh!" At the expense of the readers you may witness the growth of a genuinely funny tweeter, a corny tweeter or a simply annoying tweeter. The jest may start out with original material and is then fueled to attack fellow twitter users tweets in order to get a joke and a couple new followers.
  3. The Techie Geek: He or she gets excited at the prospect of a new gadget, ap, site etc. And is often ideal in getting an informed opinion about just about anything technology related.
  4. News Junkies: Journalist, News hubs, lawyers etc. will occasionally post news items as soon as they happen or are published. Current affairs and informed opinions on them are to be expected.  
  5. The Attention seeker: He/She does just about anything to get new followers. "Accidentally" post controversial tweets and pictures. He/she may steal other person's material and post it as their own. He/she is not afraid to get into a twitter fight and ensure that she retweets all the action so her/his timeline gets front row seats for the action. There is never a dull moment with this user. But watch out the drama may become annoying after a while. 
  6. The "whoops I thought this was an msn group chat" Tweeter: He/she will flood your timeline with conversations that you can not follow. Not only will they mention random information. He/she may also go as far as mentioning names of persons who are not on twittter. Random tweets of "Lol" or "I can't believe Sally just said that to me" are to be expected. 
  7. The Lyricists: When words fail and no opinions can be formulated. This user will flood the time line with #nowplaying #nowwatching and will quote movie lines and songs constantly.
  8. Promoters: This seems to be a growing breed. Everyone seems to have a person, party, song, product, fragrance or blog to promote. 
  9. Corporate Tweeters: All tweets will be professional and business related. However the masters of the Corporate tweeting game will ensure that they are not only interactive but utilize twitter to ensure that they increase interest in their business. They try to answer each person personally and not with an auto response feature. The TRUE master of the corporate twitter game keeps up to date with twitter trends and see how best they can promote their product without coming across as pompous. 
  10. The Spoofers: They create mock accounts of celebrities, famous media personalities, characters from shows. The most recent spoofer that raised a brow or two was the   @BronxZoosCobra who has over 200,000 followers and whose most recent achievement included hacking "American Idol" host, Ryan Seacrest's Twitter account on April Fool's Day. Be sure to check if your celebrity's account is a verified twitter account before you click that follow button. Unless of course you are in for a few laughs and don't mind who is behind the spoof. 
  11. Team Follow Back: He/she will tweet but will encourage you to retweet his/her tweets or will mention a bunch of other users who are sure to follow you back. Their sole purpose it seems is to have "total twitter domination" *insert evil giggle here* hmmmm but from my observation it seems to be a competition to see how many persons they can get to follow. What do you do when you have all the twitter users though? Tweets of substance would be nice while we wait for your so called domination    -_- 
  12. Social Tweeters: They tweet about the highlights of their day, they will comment on tv shows, new music, new products... just about anything that tickles their fancy. Highly opinionated, naturally funny and never makes desperate pleas for new followers. 
  13. Celebrities: My favorites in this category are: @adamlevine @lilduval @AngelaSimmons @OfficialKimora @tyrabanks @chelseahandler @rihanna @NICKIMINAJ @kanyewest @charliesheen

A Game of "Hearts" : Our Mistakes according to Iyanla Vanzant

The Thirteen Most Common Things We Do in search of Love or a Relationship in which we want to be Loved

1.       All signs say this is not the one, but you ignore your internal alarms, and move ahead into a love fantasy.

2.       Because of your fear of living alone, or because you believe you cannot have what you want in a relationship, you accept the first person who comes along, only to be left, beaten, ripped off, or impregnated and then left, beaten, ripped off.

3.       You confuse friendship and niceness with romantic love.

4.       Because someone is nice to you and you are not used to it, you don’t know how to say no to them when you realise they are not who you want.

5.       You get caught up in the packaging and promises

6.       You force your desires for a relationship onto another person, or issue an ultimatum. Because the person does not know how to say no, s/he goes along with you… for a while

7.       Because the other person expresses an interest in you, you respond without really exploring if this is who or what you want.

8.       You allow blind faith, which leads to blind love, to take you into a relationship that is unhealthy.

9.       You choose to believe that what your partner has done to another person, s/he will not to do to you.

10.   Sexual compatibility is mistaken for love

11.   You stay in a relationship although you are miserable, trying to work things out even when your partner shows no interest in working through the difficulty.

12.   You don’t express what you really feel because you believe it will hurt your partner’s feelings.

13.   You choose to believe your partner’s lies even when you know the truth. You act like you do not know what is going on when you do.

 Written by Iyanla Vanzant