
Welcome to the thoughts of an average woman, making strides to do extraordinary things. Add one part of deliberate musings. A dash of uncanny spontaneity. Mix liberally and enjoy the results!.

A Game of "Hearts" : Our Mistakes according to Iyanla Vanzant

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Thirteen Most Common Things We Do in search of Love or a Relationship in which we want to be Loved

1.       All signs say this is not the one, but you ignore your internal alarms, and move ahead into a love fantasy.

2.       Because of your fear of living alone, or because you believe you cannot have what you want in a relationship, you accept the first person who comes along, only to be left, beaten, ripped off, or impregnated and then left, beaten, ripped off.

3.       You confuse friendship and niceness with romantic love.

4.       Because someone is nice to you and you are not used to it, you don’t know how to say no to them when you realise they are not who you want.

5.       You get caught up in the packaging and promises

6.       You force your desires for a relationship onto another person, or issue an ultimatum. Because the person does not know how to say no, s/he goes along with you… for a while

7.       Because the other person expresses an interest in you, you respond without really exploring if this is who or what you want.

8.       You allow blind faith, which leads to blind love, to take you into a relationship that is unhealthy.

9.       You choose to believe that what your partner has done to another person, s/he will not to do to you.

10.   Sexual compatibility is mistaken for love

11.   You stay in a relationship although you are miserable, trying to work things out even when your partner shows no interest in working through the difficulty.

12.   You don’t express what you really feel because you believe it will hurt your partner’s feelings.

13.   You choose to believe your partner’s lies even when you know the truth. You act like you do not know what is going on when you do.

 Written by Iyanla Vanzant 


Kimberlee Taylor said...

really liking this one. people shud really take the time out to think things thru wen it comes to relationships, that way you can be a happier person and a happier couple. its time people stop lying to themselves and realise that a certain guy/girl just isn't for you or that a relationship isn't working out so its time to leave. in love you have to be selfish, if only one person is happy and that person isn't you is it really worth it?

Kit Kat said...

I think people just fear being alone really. So we jump into relationships that we know won't last or stay in ones that do not make us happy. We fear ending up alone.You should probably read the book In the meantime by Iyanla Vanzant..... That is where this excerpt is from. It was so powerful and meant so much to me that I thought it would be useful to share.

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