
Welcome to the thoughts of an average woman, making strides to do extraordinary things. Add one part of deliberate musings. A dash of uncanny spontaneity. Mix liberally and enjoy the results!.

Gay, Straight...in love?

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Once taboo the battle of defining sexuality becomes more prominent daily as everyone tries to erase the line of doubt and declare what their "deal" is. No longer do we raise a brow when we hear  'so and so' is gay, bisexual or even bicurious. We live in a world of ever pronounced sexual liberation. However, how far is too far? Do you think Jamaica will ever evolve enough to truly accept persons for who they are or who they choose to be during their path of self discovery?

Though my "deal" is straight, the open nature of others who have jumped ship from the 'straight cruise line' still confuses me. If after 10 years or so of being interested in only heterosexual relationships can one then decide that one too many broken hearts is grounds enough to change your preference? Or should you then prescribe to "label-less love" as an explanation for this? A true love that has no gender, race etc.

I have always been a firm believer in not bashing the things I have no true understanding of. So this era of open sexual liberation is no different really. I may not openly embrace it but bash it I shall not. Life is way too short for us to not live it in a way that makes us happy and feel truly satisfied with ourselves at the end of the day.

"I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all." - Leo C. Rosten


mikke said...

AllyKat this is sooooo true .. the nonchalantness of sexuality today is frightening ..almost. Just like picking out a pair of shoes so does ppl choose their partners. As one of my co-workers said, "gender is an extremely prejudice evaluation of a human being" ..says she has to ability to fall in love with anyone's soul, whether it happens to belong to a male or a female. In some ways i guess it makes sense..but to each his own. As to if Jamaica could ever openly embrace that level of "freedom", thats a different story ..or should i say blog.

Love it AllyKat looking forward to many more.

Kit Kat said...

Maybe it is possible to fall in love with another person's soul. lol but you may be right Jamaica may never fully embrace it. But sometimes and in some circles it seems possible. Thanks for reading :)

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